


How to overcome hair loss after childbirth?

After childbirth, the new mother can lose her hair. Don't panic, this form of postpartum alopecia is quite classic and affects half of the women. Although it is reversible, it is preferable to act quickly so as not to see your hair lose its volume. All our advice.


  1. Hair loss after childbirth: weakened hair
  2. Why do people lose their hair after giving birth?
  3. What are the effective anti-hair loss products?

With motherhood, the material of your hair changes. Thick and shiny during pregnancy, they can sometimes fall off profusely for a month (and sometimes longer) after childbirth.

Hair loss after childbirth: weakened hair

A few weeks after giving birth, or longer if you have breastfed, you may suddenly lose your hair. Increasingly important at the beginning, the hair loss decreases after a month. Be careful, it may persist if it is not taken seriously. In the most severe cases of postpartum alopecia, 20-30% of your hair may fall out.

The area most often affected is the top of the skull in postpartum alopecia. But the whole hair is weaker and becomes dull. The hair is finer, difficult to comb, and falls out in handfuls with each shampoo.

Why do people lose their hair after giving birth?

Vigorous, thicker, and shinier during pregnancy, the hair loses its strength after childbirth. This is called reactive hair loss. Several factors are responsible for postpartum alopecia. The main cause is hormonal disruption. When you are pregnant, estrogen hormones increase massively, stimulate your whole body and prolong the life of the hair. After you give birth, estrogen concentrations drop, resulting in massive and simultaneous loss of hair that should "naturally" have fallen out.

Birthmarks the beginning of a new life, it is a stressful time for most moms. This stress and excessive fatigue due to lack of sleep and returning to work can also be responsible for hair loss.

If you are prone to iron deficiency, it is best to consult your general practitioner or dermatologist as the lack of iron may worsen alopecia.

What are the effective anti-hair loss products?

This form of alopecia is far from irreversible, but it can sometimes take up to 8 months for the hair to grow back and remain weak in the long term. It is therefore important to take care of them to prevent them from losing their density and volume.

The most effective treatment for faster regrowth is the application of a specific lotion that works directly on the root. The hair needs more vitamins than usual in order to strengthen the keratin and the strength of the hair. It is also necessary to stimulate the micro-circulation of the scalp in order to accelerate regrowth. Choose a local treatment based on vitamins B5, B6, and B8 which solidify the hair fiber, the olive tree which protects the bulb, and especially cinchona red, an extract of bark that accelerates the proliferation of cells.

We apply the product line by line directly on the scalp for three months to see your hair grow stronger, fall less and less and grow back faster. See here 5 essential products for perfect straightening your hair

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