
How serious is hair loss in women?


How serious is hair loss in women?

Hair loss in women is not as well known as in men, but it does exist. And it causes anguish and deeper emotional effects than in the latter since hair is part of the feminine identity and personal image.

But how bad is it really? Do those hairs that appear every morning on the pillow mean the beginning of something worse? Knowing the causes that cause it and the harmful habits that cause this hair loss are the first step to take action and avoid suffering from severe alopecia.

The fall of hair in women, is affected in the same way as men?

All women lose some hair on a daily basis, just like men. However, baldness is only associated with them, as if it were only a male disorder. The reality is different, women can also suffer serious episodes of hair loss. And in the most advanced cases, they can go bald in the same way as a man.

In fact, according to some recently published studies, it is estimated that around 20% of Spanish women between the ages of 30 and 40 suffer from some degree of female alopecia. And the worst is that this amount seems to increase year after year. Life habits are behind this, as we will see below. Discover facts about Perfect Straightening.

Female hair loss: deep emotional effects

Hair loss affects women much more emotionally than men. The reasons are twofold. First of all, alopecia in men is quite common but very rare in women. It is less socially accepted, it is considered synonymous with serious diseases such as cancer. And that adds emotional and psychological distress to the self-esteem and aesthetic damage that hair loss creates.

On the other hand, hair in women plays a very different role than in men. It is part of your personal nature, it influences your image as a person much more. Few women voluntarily choose to wear their hair shaved, as men do. The usual thing is that regardless of their culture, social class, or personal style, women greatly value the care and image of their hair. Information about Perfect Straightening can be found here.

The causes behind this fall are, however, and as we will see below, the same for both genders.

Female Alopecia: Genetics is on your side

Women have an advantage over men in terms of hair loss. Men's natural genetics are more prone to weakness in the genes that cause baldness.
However, this does not mean that it cannot occur, simply that it is less frequent. A great advantage and relief for women, but that nevertheless does not get rid of the other causes that cause hair loss.

Among the most common reasons that cause hair loss in women we find the following:

Hormonal factors. An imbalance in the complex female hormonal system can have effects on hair health and lead to weakness and hair loss. Stages such as adolescence, pregnancy, or menopause, among others, are periods in which that balance is altered and can cause temporary hair loss. Being aware of it and going to the doctor is the best recommendation in these cases.

Environmental factors. Taking good care of your hair is essential if we want it to grow healthy and firm. And that the amount of hair that is lost daily is normal and naturally, within the biological cycle of hair. But the habits of modern life, with its lack of time and numerous hurries, prevent it many times. Sunlight is necessary to generate vitamin D, so essential for healthy hair. But also its excess is harmful. And many women do not protect their hair from the sun, especially in summer. The use of hats or caps is no longer as frequent as in the past, for fashion reasons. This factor, the sun, is behind the weakness suffered by the hair of many women. Air pollution in many cities also has a negative influence, of course. Before which the best remedy is deeper care,
Personal factors. Stress and an unbalanced diet are very important causes of hair loss in women. Elements that can be alleviated, being aware of their importance. Trying to release accumulated stress in personal life and, of course, choosing a healthy, low-fat diet is within our reach.
Is I like your hair: When do I care?

Hair loss in women is normal and logical and there is no need to worry about it. Every day a woman loses on average around 100 hairs, which regenerate naturally without causing major effects. When this loss is more frequent and lasts for weeks or months, it is when it is time to consult a specialist and carry out a deep and expert analysis.

An exam that will bring to light possible hidden problems, and that will help us to implement possible solutions as soon as possible. At a first level, the measures focus on attacking the causes that are causing this loss, and on reinforcing the internal health of the hair follicle that forms the base of the hair. Better nutrition, more optimal hair products, greater protection against environmental factors.

But when the loss is very large or bald spots appear, that is when specialized treatments and restorative therapies come into play, such as drug therapies and hair transplants.

The Hair Transplant: A solution also for women

Hair transplantation is the most effective treatment for baldness in men: its results prove it every day. Fortunately, it is also a suitable solution for female hair loss, the one that is much less frequent but that also exists.

Women who see how hair loss has caused bald spots in some areas of their head and who previously could only resort to wigs and other aesthetic remedies. And that now they can go to the restorative therapy that has revolutionized the way of treating the most severe cases of alopecia.

A hair transplant for women basically consists of choosing hair follicles - the basis that each hair forms - healthy and strong, from different areas of the head. And using very specialized techniques, transplant them to the areas that suffer from baldness. There the transplanted hair returns to take root and develop.

This operation, with the FUE hair graft method, is repeated hundreds or thousands of times in several sessions, until the affected area is once again populated with healthy follicles, giving rise to strong hair.

A treatment that thanks to technological advances have become very comfortable and can be applied in one or more sessions. And whose positive effects only take a few months to be fully visible. A therapy that until decades ago seemed a miracle, but is now a reality. A treatment that, applied in a professional and expert way, can alleviate the most serious cases, those in which there seems to be no hope.

Professional consultation and adapted treatments

Science is the ally of women in their fight against hair loss and alopecia. Its causes and origin are better known, and better solutions and therapies are proposed. There is no longer a place for despair, there are solutions and treatments adapted to each woman.

Taking the advice of expert dermatologists is the best advice, the first step towards healthy and firm hair. From a better diet to a hair transplant, solutions are available to all women.

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