


Postpartum care: how to stop hair loss

Have you already had your baby and your hair falls out? Do not despair, it is something very common and has a solution. Here are the keys to reverse hair loss

Just as the skin is one of the organs that changes the most during pregnancy (because of how it stretches as the belly grows, but also because of the consequences of hormonal variations), the same thing happens in hair: most of the recent moms see how after childbirth their hair falls ... and falls ... and falls ...

In this regard, we can say two things that are basic and fundamental: first, that it is something normal, expected, and easily explained; second, that it has a solution.


"After childbirth, women often experience significant hair loss. This is due to a decrease in estrogens, which were extremely high during the first trimester. This also explains that during pregnancy it falls much less", says the dermatologist Silvia Boccaccio.

All these hormonal changes make your hair increase during pregnancy and look radiant because the hair is in the growth phase, but ... in the postpartum the situation is reversed and those hairs no longer grow but enter a resting phase. And since this stage lasts about three months, it is there when the fall occurs. This action begins between a month and four months after delivery and sometimes lasts up to a year, although it usually subsides after 6 months. This happens to a greater or lesser extent to all women, only that in some it is almost imperceptible.

What can we do

Treatment is not essential. Most women recover on their own as their hormones return to their pre-pregnancy levels. In general, it is said that just as the body was transformed during the 9 months of pregnancy, then it takes a similar time for the body to return to normal.

In any case, the dermatologist suggests that you take the time elapsed as a parameter: if when the baby turns one year old, your hair continues to fall a lot, then it will be convenient for you to consult a doctor.


If the doctor considers it necessary for you to carry out a treatment, the advisor highlights that:

* The options are several and of different types, depending on the importance of your situation.

* It always goes from smallest to largest, starting with the simplest and least invasive.

* The dermatologist will take into account, for example, the time that has passed since delivery and if you continue to breastfeed.

* You can apply hair growth stimulating lotions and take oral medication, amino acids and vitamins, but only with the doctor's indication.

* It is also likely that the doctor will control your iron levels with a blood test, to rule out that hair loss is not a consequence of a deficiency of this mineral.

For later

If you do not see results, you can do hair mesotherapy but not during breastfeeding, just when you finish breastfeeding. As the advisor explains: "Although it is a localized treatment and the absorption of the blood is minimal, it is better not to take risks and wait for the baby to wean". Hair mesotherapy consists of multiple intradermal injections of a multivitamin complex, especially with B vitamins. They are given with a distance of 1 cm between each one, every 10 days, about 10 applications on average.

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